Convergence: Work by Canadian and U.S. Women Artists

The Northern Nine artists

The Northern Nine

The Northern Nine are a group of Canadian women visual artists whose work explores the personal and the universal. They have evolved from a core group that has shown together since 1993. They meet for the purpose of mutual support and inspiration. Each individual is an artist well established in her own career and most are teachers as well. Together they represent a broad spectrum of media. Some have been friends who have encouraged each other creatively for more than two decades.

When they exhibit together, they explore the personal and the universal. They usually include individual works as well as collaborative pieces. Their collective multi-disciplinary work is committed to the search for beauty, a passion for our planet and the examination of what it is to be human.

To quote one of the members, “We feel that our work speaks to a global audience and are interested in partnering with similar groups in Canada and internationally. We know that our work resonates with other artists and the exploration and sharing of that energy needs to be presented to the public. The F.A.N. Club has invited us to partner with them in a show, and we have all worked for the last year to develop it. The show is called “Convergence".

The Northern Nine artists are:

Ann Bird
Maggie Glossop
Roberta Huebener
Susan Rennick Jolliffe
Maryse Maynard
Liz Minnes
Chandler Swain
Wendo Van Essen
Yvonne Wiegers.

Ann Bird Ann Kuckelman Cobb Laurie Culling Diana Dunkley Jan Gaumnitz Maggie Glossop Missy Hamilton Roberta Huebener Susan Rennick Jolliffe Susan Jordan Maryse Maynard Liz Minnes Nan Renbarger Margaret Rose Chandler Swain Cathy Tisdale Wendo Van Essen Yvonne Wiegers

© 2005 · Website updated November 11, 2020
All rights reserved. Content and images are copyrighted and may not be reproduced.

Site by Colin Tisdale, Laurie Culling, Denise Lajetta, Margaret Rose